Thursday, April 2, 2009

New Blog

I will no longer be using this site. My new blog site will be

Mr. LeFevre

Monday, March 23, 2009


Hello Parents,

I wanted to let you know about the upcoming ISAT assessment. We will be taking math, reading, and language arts assessments. Each part of the test is 60 to 90 minutes. Only one part of the test will be given each week. We will do the tests on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday in the morning. The tests are scheduled for the last three weeks of April. When I know the exact dates I will let you know.

It is important that students get a good night's rest and a good breakfast the day of the test. I keep trying to tell the students to not be nervous but to do their best work. This is the first time this group of students will take the test. We are trying to practice the ISAT tutorial on a weekly basis before the tests.

The State of Idaho has a website that explain more about the ISAT. See

Mr. LeFevre

Friday, March 20, 2009

Field Trip

Hello parents and students,

We will have our first spring field trip on Friday (March 27, 2009). We will be walking to Mason's Grandparents home (3 blocks from the school). They have been on many safaris around the world. They are going to talk about their adventures and share with us their trophies. We will leave the school at 1:00 p.m. and return around 2:00 p.m. Parents are welcome to attend.


Mr. LeFevre

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Third Grade Blog

Hello Students and Parents,

You have found your way to Mr. LeFevre's blog. A blog is a way that we can communicate or share information over the internet. Today in the computer lab I was frustrated that I couldn't get everyone to the correct website quickly. The first thing I hope to add are useful websites. These will have two categories: one list you can use at home and the other list we will use at school.

Please e-mail me with any questions.